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Teacher Conferences

We are pleased to announce that the winter teacher conferences will be held on Wednesday, February 26, and Thursday, February 27.

Students Quality for State Honors Choir

Five students from Daniel Wright qualified for the 2025 All-State honor choirs and will perform on Saturday, Feb. 1. Meet the students on the DW website.

Spelling Bee Champ

Congratulations to our eighth-grader who was named Daniel Wright's school champion in the districtwide Scripps National Spelling Bee competition. His winning word was Gibraltar. The students went 14 rounds before naming this student the school champion. There were 25 students in grades 4-8 who competed in the D103 Scripps National Spelling Bee competition. DW's chamption will go on to compete against other students in the Spelling Bee Sectional Competition in mid-February.

Science Bowl Team Qualifies for Nationals

Congratulations to Daniel Wright Science Bowl Team 2 for qualifying for nationals. The team will proudly represent DW in Washington, D.C. at the Science Bowl Nationals. Meet the team on the Daniel Wright website.

Show Choir Brings Joy

This week, the talented performers of the DW Show Choir hit the road, spreading holiday cheer and musical magic to an enthusiastic audience at local retirement communities.

Students Provide Feedback on Lunches

Students met with the school’s lunch provider, Quest, to share suggestions and ideas about improving the meals at Daniel Wright.  

Giving Back to the Community

The Wright Way Club has been busy with projects that provide families and individuals with much needed support.

Report a Concern System

To ensure that students feel empowered to voice their concerns, we have established clear procedures at Daniel Wright for reporting any issues they may encounter related to bullying, racial harassment, and safety.

Honoring Those Who Served

Daniel Wright students spent an inspiring day honoring veterans with a mix of hands-on activities and heartfelt moments.

Sweet Skulls: A Tasty Day of the Dead Celebration

Students in Spanish Teacher Katie Snowden’s class decorated cookies in a humorous fashion and then enjoyed eating them after learning about the history behind The Day of the Dead celebration.

Red Ribbon Week

DW students joined schools across America in supporting Red Ribbon Week.

Free Tutoring Services

D103 student in grades 3-8 have access to the Varsity Tutors for Schools platform.

Walk and Roll to School

Students joined police officers in promoting healthy ways to get to and from school.

Molecules in Motion

In this chemistry unit, students develop models to understand particle motion, the impact of temperature and kinetic energy on states of matter, and thermal energy transfer.

Author Visit

Author Rob Harrell captivated sixth-graders during this week's assembly, sharing insights into his writing career.

Daniel Wright student drop off and pick up procedures
Daniel Wright student drop off and pick up procedures
Portrait of a Graduate
The Portrait is a vision for our students that focuses on key competencies every child should have when they graduate from District 103.


Times national recipient of
excellence in education
as a Blue Ribbon School.


Teams have gone to
national competitions
multiple times.

young girl with headphones


The state's Illinois State
Report Card designation.
young woman graduate


Of Students
Meet or Exceed
Math Standards.