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Model UN

Purpose of the Activity

Model United Nations (MUN) is a captivating educational exercise mirroring the operations of the United Nations. In this dynamic simulation, students take on the roles of diplomats representing various countries and engage in the intricate task of addressing pressing global challenges by employing the policies and viewpoints unique to their assigned nation. For instance, a student embodying the United Kingdom will grapple with real-world issues like nuclear non-proliferation or climate change, navigating the complexities of diplomacy and international relations through the lens of their chosen country.

Students are divided into countries, committees, and topics.

Tryout Procedures


Students must be registered on the RevTrak Web Store to participate in Model UN.  Model UN registration opens on the RevTrak Web Store at 8:00 a.m. Monday, September 9.


Number of Participants

Model UN has a maximum capacity. The first 65 seventh- and eighth-grade students that fill out the application and register on RevTrak will be accepted. If spots are available, sixth-graders will be invited to join.

Grade Level/s of Participants

Open to seventh- and eighth-graders. If space allows, sixth-graders will be invited to join.

Meeting Schedule and Location

  • Season: October-April
  • Meeting Day: Model UN meets twice a month on Wednesdays
  • Time: 3:45 p.m.-5:00 p.m.

Competition Schedule

  • The DW team will participate in a practice debate.  
  • Team members will compete against other junior high schools.

Student Attendance Guidelines

Students are required to attend all meetings in order to successfully prepare for the final tournament. The knowledge gained is cumulative throughout the school year; the bills and preparation will be done in class, however some outside research may need to take place in order to prepare for the tournaments. Due to the amount of information given during meetings, students who miss three meetings may be disqualified from the team due to lack of preparedness.

Specific Rules or Guidelines

School-appropriate behavior is required for all Model UN activities. Students must meet academic and behavior standards set for all co-curricular sports and activities in the handbook. Per the application, students will agree to the following: I understand that being a part of Model UN requires me to attend and adequately prepare for the tournaments. It is my responsibility to be an active participant and attend all meetings. Missing more than three meetings may result in dismissal from the team.

Contact Us

Athena Sotos

Athena Sotos

Daniel Wright Junior High School
Karina Richter

Karina Richter

Daniel Wright Junior High School

Student Fees

To participate in the program, families must pay a participation fee using the RevTrak Web Store. RevTrak sign up is open from Monday, Sept. 9 to Tuesday, Sept. 24.