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Scholastic Bowl

Purpose of the Activity

Scholastic Bowl is an academic buzzer competition similar to Jeopardy but with teams testing their knowledge in literature, science, math, and more.. Daniel Wright is the reigning state champion, winning the IESA State tournament in 2022!

Tryout Procedures

Tryouts consist of a written exam given orally. Selection will be determined by the students' skills and knowledge shown on the test; critical thinking, reasoning, and teamwork.

Tryouts will be held on Tuesday, November 28 and Thursday, November 30 after school in room 203-204. Please submit a tryout interest form, which will be distributed in November via flyers and a QR in the announcements.  

If you are curious about the type of material covered during tryouts, visit the Quiz Bowl Resource Center, where you can click on any of the tournaments that will route you to question packets from past tournaments. This will give you a taste of what the questions are like and what to study.

Competition Schedule

The competition schedule will be available on our Google Classroom.

Student Attendance Guidelines

Students are required, unless discussed ahead of time, to attend practices and matches.

Meeting Schedule and Location

  • Season: December through May
  • Meeting Day: Tuesday and Thursday
  • Time: 3:45 p.m.
  • Parent Meeting:  
  • Location: Room 203 

Number of Participants

There are typically 15–20 students on the team.

Contact Us

Jan Lamberti

Jan Lamberti

Daniel Wright Junior High School
Allyson Ward

Allyson Ward

Sprague School


Specific Rules or Guidelines

See the IESA website for specific rules.