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Science Fair

Purpose of the Activity

To allow students to independently (or with a partner) investigate a problem that can be solved scientifically. Students will perform all steps that a "real" scientist would follow in order to learn more about their chosen problem, perform an experiment or design a new tool to solve the problem, and analyze their results.

Tryout Procedures

There are no tryouts. All 7th and 8th grade students are invited to participate and must attend bimonthly meetings. Upon completion of all steps for their chosen project, students will present their projects at the Regional Science Fair.

Number of Participants

The fair is open to all seventh- and eighth-grade students.


Grade Level/s of Participants

Open to seventh- and eighth-graders.


Meeting Schedule and Location

  • Season: October through May
  • An introductory mandatory meeting will be held Tuesday, October 15 
  • Most work will be completed independently under the supervision of the Science Fair sponsors


Competition Schedule

The Regional Science Fair is held locally on a Saturday in March. If projects are deemed outstanding, students may be invited to present their work at the Illinois Junior Academy of Sciences State Fair in early May.

Student Attendance Guidelines

Students are expected to meet with their sponsors twice per month. If the student is unable to attend a meeting, sponsors should be notified and an alternate meeting date should be scheduled within the same week.

Specific Rules or Guidelines

Guidelines and due dates will be provided at the introductory meeting in October. Students are expected to meet required deadlines in completing each part of their science fair projects. Those who do not meet deadlines will be unable to participate in the IJAS Regional Fair.


Contact Us

Cheryl Cheifetz

Cheryl Cheifetz

Daniel Wright Junior High School

Student Fees

To participate in the program, families must pay a participation fee using the RevTrak Web Store.

