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Wright Way

Purpose of the Activity

Wright Way Club Overview
Wright Way Club (WWC) is a peer leadership program. We believe everyone can contribute and make a difference to our school climate. Wright Way Club members promote tolerance and acceptance for all students. Wright Way Club is a WE School. WWC members organize local and global fundraisers, providing students an opportunity to develop leadership skills. Students also participate in activities that build compassion and nurture their well-being and the well-being of others. It is our goal to follow the "Wright Way" and model what it means to be respectful, responsible, and positive members of our school community!

Why Join Wright Way Club?
This is a great way for students to have positive and productive social interactions with their peers. Students will be able to help their local community and contribute to global efforts to help others.

Tryout Procedures

To participate in Wright Way Club, students must have a Permission to Participate Form on file with Mrs. Ligdas and Mrs. Solway.

Number of Participants

There is no limit on the number of participants.

Grade Level/s of Participants

The Wright Way Club is open to seventh- and eighth-graders.

Meeting Schedule and Location

Student Attendance Guidelines

Students are expected to attend all meetings. If a student is unable to attend a meeting, he or she should let one of the WWC sponsors know in advance. However, there may be some meetings that only apply to students working on specific activities or projects.

Students can participate in athletics or other activities and still be in Wright Way Club! If you plan to try out for a team and will be unable to attend WWC meetings while that sport/team is in season, simply tell one of the WWC sponsors, and we will not expect you to participate in WWC activities until after your season has ended.

Contact Us

Ioana Ligdas

Ioana Ligdas

Daniel Wright Junior High School
Jackie Solway

Jackie Solway

Daniel Wright Junior High School

Student Fees

To participate students must pay a participation fee using the RevTrak Web Store
