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Students Provide Feedback on Lunches

Students Provide Feedback on Lunches

Students met with the school’s lunch provider, Quest, to share suggestions and ideas about improving the meals at Daniel Wright. They sampled a variety of cuisines from vegetarian meatballs to bacon chicken pasta. Then, students shared what they liked and disliked about items. Each school receives input from its students annually to determine what is working well with the lunch meals and where improvements can be made.

Quest’s mission is to provide its communities they serve with fresh, high-quality food. Quest’s philosophy is to serve seasonal and regionally available ingredients. In addition, they strive to offer whole grain breads, pastas, and cereals. They source milk that is local and free of added growth hormones, use trans-fat free oils, and never use MSG (monosodium glutamate).

“One of Quest’s standards for a successful dining program utilizes food committees a few times throughout the school year,” explained Kurt Wode, D103’s Food Service Director. “These food committees are comprised of 8-12 students invited to serve as representatives for their class for the year. This can be our most important platform for feedback and communication with students, teachers, and staff.”